If you have registered, please log in your Oxford Abstract account. You will find the ‘Session” and click ‘View’.
Follow the link below and log in. When setting up your conference program account, make sure that you set your time zone according to where you will be when joining the conference. The program adjusts the times shown in the program according to this.
Conference platform: https://virtual.oxfordabstracts.com/#/event/4082/program
On the conference platform you will find the program, poster gallery and all attendees. In the program you can use the ‘Bookmark’ function to mark the sessions that you wish to attend over the course of the three conference days. All bookmarked sessions will gather in ‘Your bookmarks’, which can act as a personal schedule to use during the conference.
Finding your sessions: Most sessions will be available for hybrid participation. These will have a zoomlink added to the session. The links are being created and added at the moment.
If you have not registered, please register here:
Please, download zoom background by this.
Here are the table for parallel session Day 1, Day 2, & Day 3 for your attention.
Here are the table for poster presentation.
You can see summary here.
Malaysia Standard Time (MYT) UTC+08:00
Monday 10th July 2023: Ph.D. Workshop
8.00 am Bus transfer from D’Gateway Perdana Hotel and Bangi Gateway Hotel to Bangi Resort Hotel
8.30 am Registration
9.00 am Introduction to ISDRS and New Professional Group
9.30 am Parallel sessions: students’ presentations (chaired by senior academics)
12.30 pm Networking lunch
14.00 pm Talk with Tomas B. Ramos, Executive Editor of the Journal of Cleaner Production
16.00 pm Afternoon tea
End of (On-campus) PhD Workshop
(16.00 pm – 19.00 pm: Online PhD Workshop)
17.00 pm Bus transfer from Bangi Resort Hotel to D’Gateway Perdana Hotel and Bangi Gateway Hotel
Conference Day 1, Tuesday 11th July 2023
8.00 am | Bus transfer from D’Gateway Perdana Hotel & Bangi Gateway Hotel to Bangi Resort Hotel | |
8.30 am | Registration | |
8.45 am | Announcement and housekeeping rules by the Master of Ceremonies | |
8.50 am | Welcome Remarks Associate Professor Dr. Rasyikah Md Khalid, Chair, ISDRS 2023 |
9.00 am | Officiating RemarksProfessor Dato’ Gs. Ts. Dr. Mohd Ekhwan Hj. Toriman Vice Chancellor UKM |
9.20 am | Keynote Address Matthew Baird Director, Asian Research Institute for Environmental Law |
10.00 am | Group Photo/ Coffee Break/ Poster Session & UKM SDG Exhibition | |
10.45 am | Plenary Session 1: People and Planet Moderator: Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr. Mazlin Bin Mokhtar Director, Ecological Studies SDSN, Sunway University Panellist 1: Datuk Dr Ahmad Parveez Hj Ghulam Kadir Director General, Malaysia Palm Oil Board Panellist 2: The Hon Karlene Maywald South Australian Water Ambassador |
11.45 am | Interval | |
11.50 am | Concurrent Session 1 | (Breakout rooms) |
13.00 pm | Networking Lunch/Poster Session & Exhibition | |
14.00 pm | Plenary Session 2: Planet & Prosperity Moderator: Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr. Mazlin Bin Mokhtar Director, Ecological Studies SDSN, Sunway University Panellist 1: Prof. Ir. Dr. Siti Kartom Kamaruddin Director, Fuel Cell Institute, UKM Panellist 2: Prof. Lance Manuel Texas Atomic Energy Research Foundation Professor of Engineering, University of Texas at Austin Panellist 3: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Weena Gera Associate Professor of Political Science, University of the Phillipines Cebu |
15.00 pm | Interval | |
15.10 pm | Concurrent Session 2 | (Breakout rooms) |
16.20 pm | Interval | |
16.30 pm | Concurrent Session 3 | (Breakout rooms) |
17.45 pm | Conference reception | |
18.30 pm & 19.30 pm | End of Conference Day 1: Bus transfer to hotels |
Conference Day 2, Wednesday 12th July 2023
8.00 am | Bus transfer from hotels to Graduate School of Business (GSB) UKM | |
8.30 am | Concurrent Session 4 | (Breakout rooms) |
10.00 am | Coffee Break | |
10.30 am | Concurrent Session 5 | (Breakout rooms) |
11.40 am | Interval | |
11.50 am | Concurrent Session 6 | (Breakout rooms) |
13.00 pm | Networking Lunch | |
14.00 pm | Concurrent Session 7 | (Breakout rooms) |
15.20 pm | Interval | |
15.30 pm | Concurrent Session 8 | (Breakout rooms) |
16.45 pm | ISDRS Members Meeting (GSB-UKM Meeting Room) |
17.45 pm | End of Conference Day 2 Conference Dinner (Sutera Hall UKM- 5 minutes walking distance from GSB-UKM) |
19.00 pm & 20.00 pm | Bus transfer from UKM to hotels |
Conference Day 3, Thursday 13th July 2023
8.00 am | Bus transfer to Akademi Siber Teknopolis UKM | |
8.30 am | Concurrent Session 9 | (Breakout rooms) |
10.00 am | Coffee Break | |
10.30 am | Plenary Session 3: People & Partnership Moderator: Prof. Peter Dobers President, ISDRS and Professor of Business Administration of Sodertorn University, Sweden Panellist 1: Prof. Dr. İlknur Öner Head of Disaster Research Center, Fırat University, Turkiye. Panellist 2: Nini Shazrina Ahmad Shamli Director of Corporate Service, Landasan Lumayan, Menteri Besar Incorporated Panellist 3: Antonio Oposa Jr. Environmental Law Advocate |
11.30 am | Interval | |
11.40 am | Concurrent Session 10 | (Breakout rooms) |
13.00 pm | Networking Lunch | |
14.00 pm | Concurrent Session 11 | (Breakout rooms) |
15.30 pm | Interval | |
15.40 pm | Plenary Session 4: Peace & Partnership Moderator: Prof. Stella Emery Santana Professor of Environmental Law, FAESA Centro Universitario Brazil Panellist 1: Atty. Rose Liza Eisma Osorio Professor of Environmental Law, University of Cebu Panellist 2: Olena Shevtsova Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden Panellist 3: Olawale Olayide Faculty of Multidisciplinary Studies, University of Ibadan, Nigeria |
16.40 pm | Interval | |
16.45 pm | Closing Ceremony Announcement of ISDRS best paper (journal published in 2022): Prof Marlen Gabriele Arnold, Executive Board Member, ISDRS Announcement of the host of ISDRS 2023: Prof. Gyula Zilahy, Vice President, ISDRS Closing remarks: Prof Peter Dobers, President, ISDRS Farewell remarks: Rasyikah Khalid, Chair ISDRS 2023, Board Member, ISDRS |
17.45 pm | Afternoon tea End of Day 3 Bus transfer to hotels |
Sustainability Tour, Friday 14th July 2023
8.00 am | Bus transfer from hotels to UKM |
8.30 am | Sustainability field trip to Malacca (casual outfit and walking shoes) Sustainability field trip to FRIM (hiking outfit and shoes) |
16.00 pm | End of tour (FRIM) Bus transfer to hotels |
21.00 pm | End of tour (Malacca) Bus transfer to hotels |